In The Perfect 10 newsletter, I write about and cover the top 10 issues bubbling up in women’s lives.

I am a single mother by choice to boy-girl twins, a feminist, a news and popular culture junkie, and a believer in the possibility of BIG change.

I am a feminist by accident or by luck. I’ve been a part of the women’s movement, founding and working at leading women’s organizations for over two decades. I know and have seen a lot—and have an opinion about much of it.

There’s something about women’s inequality and day-to-day struggles that unsettles me.  I’ve always felt compelled to take action and do my part to make it better for the next generation—including my children.

Women need more power and influence in the world, society, and their lives. We keep losing on the issues and policies we care about because we don’t have enough power. So, I’ll be obsessing a bit about how to build women’s power and pointing out the power plays that lift or stifle women’s progress.

From my perch, the top 10 issues impacting women are:

  • Childcare (not enough, too costly, & should be free.)
  • Paid sick and Family Leave (it’s barbaric that we don’t all have paid leave.)
  • Reproductive Health & Rights (my body, my choice. Reproductive Justice for all.)
  • Pay Equity and Transparency (equal pay for equal work should be the law of the land.)
  • Leadership (Women are 50% of the population but only a fraction of the world’s leaders—we’re doing it all wrong.)
  • Power (More power, please, and make it snappy!)
  • Money & the Wealth Gap (We could all use more $$$, and at this rate, we’ll never close the wealth gap.)
  • Politics (are everywhere and in everything.)
  • Family (is created and can be a beautiful mosaic of chosen folk…that you kind of want to strangle from time to time.)
  • Race & Ethnicity (Intersectional Queens rule.)

Women’s issues stretch beyond the ones mentioned above, but based on my decades of experience, this list hits women hardest. These topics deserve conversation, debate and attention so we can work toward change.

I will make you laugh, snort, cry, or want to scream. Above all else, I want to affirm your inner voice, spark your tiny revolution in your part of the world, and connect you to good women doing good work.

Welcome to the P10!

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