Aleyamma Mathew

Position: Executive Director, Collective Future Fund

Aleyamma Mathew is a nationally known expert on the intersection of gender and economic justice. With over 20 years of experience in the philanthropic and advocacy sectors at the local, state, and national levels, she has led advocacy, grantmaking, capacity-building, and campaigns for economic policies to protect women’s rights, safety, and economic security, with a focus on women of color, immigrant and refugee women, and low-wage women workers.

Aleyamma is currently the executive director of Collective Future Fund, an organization that brings together social justice movements, survivors, and donors to heal, resource, and mobilize to shape a collective future free from sexual harassment and violence. With a priority on supporting and sustaining efforts that are led by survivors and women of color, the Fund envisions a world in which all women and girls––cisgender, transgender, and gender non-conforming––can live, learn, and work in safety and dignity.

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